Raid: Castle Nathria Mythic SL – Boss: Hungering Destroyer
Raid: Dragon Soul Raid Finder Cata – Boss: Wing End Bosses (Token of the Corrupted Protector)
Contained in Order of Embers Equipment Cache (World Quest Chest BfA)
Alternative: House of Nobles Cape
Raid: Castle Nathria Mythic SL – Boss: Hungering Destroyer
Raid: Dragon Soul Raid Finder Cata – Boss: Wing End Bosses (Token of the Corrupted Protector)
Raid: Castle Nathria Mythic SL – Boss: Shriekwing
Quest Reward (Zone: Talador, WoD)
Not In Your House
Send Them Running
PvP: 700 Conquest Points at Zo’sorg in Oribos SL
Legion Artifact Hunter: Marksmanship
Appearance: Phoenix’ Rebirth (blue)