Transmog Sources
Main color
Classified as
Suitable for
Cosmetic, Profession, Quest, Raid


sold by Ca’nees in Orgrimmar for 500 Gold

Raid: The Eternal Palace BfA – Boss: Za’qul

sold by Lady Rovinette in Revendreth for Anima

Part of the Venthyr Covenant Campaign Plate Armor Set
Quest Reward from Enough Vengeance For One Day

Profession: Tailoring (100) Classic

Part of the Venthyr Covenant Campaign Plate Armor Set
Quest Reward from Our True Purpose

Part of the Venthyr Covenant Campaign Plate Armor Set
Quest Reward from Lead the Way

sold by Kelm Hargunth (Northern Barrens) for Gold

Part of the Venthyr Covenant Campaign Plate Armor Set
Quest Reward from The Prince’s New Crown

PvP: sold by Aneka Melae in Orgrimmar for 1750 Honor